Encounters Overview

To add data to the patient record, you must first start an encounter and select the type of encounter you are having with the patient ie Home Visit. This is the same as starting a new consultation in your clinical system. See - Open an Encounter.

Points to note:

If for any reason, you leave the patient record without having saved the encounter, you are warned that the encounter is still open.

If you select Continue and do not close the encounter, the patient's name is added to Open Encounters on the Vision Anywhere Home screen along with any patients waiting to be uploaded.

From here you can tap the patient's details to reopen their summary and return to your consultation by tapping .

Note - Encounters listed in Open Encounters remain there for 30 days, after which they are removed along with any data recorded.

The patient record is reopened enabling you to add, edit or delete data. To save the encounter select the Done button.